Morgan Birthday Ride

Birthday Ride!

Happy Birthday Morgan Griffin!

a Marshall Wall loop by heading out over the RSR Bridge and turning north to Lucas Valley Rd through Nicasio before conquering Marshall Wall. The ride then turns down the coast to Point Reyes Station for a Coffee stop at Brickmaiden. The ride will finish by heading through Olema and back to Larkspur on Sir Francis Drake before crossing back over the bridge. From Point Richmond, the route is ~85 miles with ~5200 ft of climbing. We’ll regroup at various points, including Big Rock Deli, Marin French Cheese Co, Point Reyes Station, and Fairfax Coffee Roastery. The ride pace for the A group will be 16-18 mph average with faster bursts on some sections; for the B group will be 14-16 mph average. You should be comfortable with group riding and have read and be familiar with the BBC Group Ride Guidelines. Ride leaders will be Morgan Griffin (A) and KC (B) .

Photos Credit: Toshi H. and KC