Saturday June 17, 2023 Marin Ride

Marin Ride

This week we'll be riding a Point Reyes Station loop by heading out over the RSR Bridge heading north through San Rafael to Lucas Valley Rd, west to Nicasio Valley Rd and Pt Reyes-Petaluma Rd to Point Reyes Station, then back through Olema to Sir Francis Drake through San Rafael to cross back over the RSR Bridge. stop will be in PRS at Brickmaiden (or Toby's for those that prefer cold brew)! From Point Richmond, the route is ~65 miles with ~3300 ft of climbing. We'll regroup at the top/bottom of the climbs (top-ish of Big Rock/Lucas Valley climb, bottom of climb out of Olema at Platform Bridge, and bottom of White's Hill in Fairfax).

Ride pace for A group will be 16-18 mph average with faster bursts on some sectionsm, for B group will be 13-15 mph average, and for C group will be 12-14 mph average. You should be comfortable with group riding and have read and be familiar the BBC Group Ride Guidelines. Ride leaders will be Morgan Griffin (A) and Steve Schwartz (B) and TBD (C) this week.If folks want a slightly shorter option, they can turn right on Pinehurst and climb the north end instead.

Photo Credit: Tosh H.