Saturday May 20, 2023 Marin Ride

What: This week we'll be riding a Hawk Hill to Paradise loop by heading out over the RSR Bridge heading south through Sausalito before climbing Hawk Hill and descending the back side. We'll do a little loop up and around Rodeo Beach and then circle back through Sausalito before cutting through Strawberry to Tiburon, then back up to Larkspur to cross back over the RSR Bridge. Coffee stop will be at either Equator in Sausalito or Caffe Acri in Tiburon! From Point Richmond, the route is ~65 miles with ~4000 ft of climbing. We'll regroup at various points throughout the ride (Larkspur Landing, Sausalito bathrooms, top of Hawk Hill, Tiburon, as likely examples). Ride pace for A group will be 16-18 mph average with faster bursts on some sections and for B group will be 14-16 mph average and C group will be 12-14 mph and you should be comfortable with group riding and have read and be familiar the BBC Group Ride Guidelines. Ride leaders will be TBD (A) and KC (B) and TBD ( C) this week.

Where/When: Meeting this Saturday at 8:45am outside Maya Taqueria at Pt Richmond (plenty of parking available if you're driving). We'll roll from Point Richmond at 9am sharp. group will depart 5 minutes after and groups and will have its own regroups along the route.

Who: You! This ride is aimed at riders who are comfortable with group riding and able to stay with the group of their choice at the ride pace. Click the of your choice and or or if you're planning to join and post in the thread if you have any questions!

Photo Credit: Tosh H.